
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial House—澳門國父紀念館

In June, 2007, A-Mao was enjoying the Dragon Boat Festival in Macau. Before climbing the Guia Hill for Guia Fortress, the World Heritage Site, I came across the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial House, which is not introduced by my guidebook. Well, he is the Father of Taiwan (ROC) as well as Chain (PRC), and there is free of charge. I had no reason not to visit it.


The keynote of the decoration is humble. The "Zhi Nan Xing Yi" (knowing is difficult, but acting is easy) should be written by Dr. Sun. Each time a trouble was in front of me in Macau, this maxim encouraged me although the results were not always good.


This wood set of furniture with marble top is carved very well. I like that table so much because it could be separated. Must be very easy to move and store. As years pass by, the antique is shining history.


The "Li Yun Da Tong" (great harmony) was signed and stamped by Dr. Sun, but a Mr. Zhang indicated that it is a real handwriting at the end! It reminded me of a Chinese idiom: to rejoin the ermine with dog's tail.


The Ruins of St. Paul's—大三巴牌坊


Hoover Dam—胡佛水壩

In April, 2006, due to ISC West in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is my second time visiting the America, in which everything seems to be bigger than that in Taiwan. After simple decoration as well as setting up camera, CRT monitor, our MPEG-2 DVR & complicated cabling, followed by product test & video adjustment for the best demonstration in a morning, honcho A, engineer C, salesgirl K & I went to the Hoover Dam in the same state that afternoon.

2006年4月,為了在拉斯維加斯舉行的ISC West展,A-Mao第二度造訪這個什麼都大的泱泱大國。4號當天早上佈置好會場的攤位(架設我們家的DVR與別人家的攝影機和螢幕、連結複雜的訊號線材以及簡單的裝潢)、做完產品測試與影像調整之後,下午藉由地利之便,便與A老大、C同學與K小姐驅車前往同樣是位在內華達州的胡佛水壩

Although there was a GPS brought by honcho A, our car still got lost in the desert, but we began being excited while watching the blue Lake Mead. Meanwhile, what's the problem about the car in the front of us? Did he or she lose all money on the craps or blackjack table?


Oh, here came a clock on the intake tower. Obviously, it was 16:08 in bald Nevada then—Pacific Time Zone.


It took us 11 minutes from Nevada to Arizona because it was 16:19 in hairless Arizona afterward—Mountain Time Zone. This dam is made in USA, of course. It is across two states! You might notice that the time is the same on both clocks. Why both were synchronized? Because Arizona does not use daylight savings time.


While we were chatting by the lake, suddenly, A-Mao noticed a moving stone. Well, the wind was really speedy, but it was impossible to make a stone rolling. Later I figured out it is a chipmunk. Hi, little cutie! For whom are you waiting? Your partner?


Great Hoover Dam—壯哉胡佛水壩



By the World Heritage Pass issued by Tobu Railway for foreigners only, I went to "Ryuuoukyou" (or Ryuokyo). The meaning is Dragon King Valley, and it sounds so attractive to me. However, the last station of Tobu Railway is Shin-Fujiwara Station, which is next to Ryuuoukyou Station operated by Yagan Railway. Well, A-Mao did not mind working around to save money. After leaving Shin-Fujiwara Station, asking for direction and strolling for a while, I easily found this guidepost. Just one kilometer. A piece of cake!


It is not a lonely kilometer. While my iPod finished Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No. 3 (Maestro: Kun-Woo Paik), I arrived and looked down at the valley. The dramatic drop height predicted it would be an exhausted climbing. On the way to the bottom, the waterfall was making a long crescendo.


The scenery is part of White Dragon Valley. There are Blue Dragon Valley & Purple Dragon Valley also—I started blaming me for this unprepared plan as well as getting out late in Kinugawa that morning. In lonesome March, on beetling rocks stands the sober Dragon King Shrine confronted by the Rainbow Viewing Bridge & the Rainbow Viewing Waterfall.


There is a Harp Waterfall, too. For me, it is so hard to tell what the relationship is between this cascade and a harp. My explanation is that it sounds like a harp. How about yours?


Later I had to go to Nikkou for unfinished visit, and Koos from Holland was waiting in Shinjuku that night. Therefore, this is the farthest spot during this trip, and I took the latest picture on the opposite side of this river. Then, the return journey is really “a piece of cake” for me because I hate to eat desserts.


The World Heritage Pass—世界遗产通票