
TCO on 2009/05/09: Sarod Meets Chinese Orchestra—絃語繽紛 3-2

In one night Qiang Zhang & Taipei Chinese Orchestra delivered two pipa concertos. Let’s talk about the Butterfly Lovers' Pipa Concerto in advance. The soloist’s music technique is very good; nevertheless, the Zhu Yingtai is played like Hua Mulan who is hurriedly sending herself in her father’s place in the army. Actually, it is a little disaster, but at last the audience was clapping loudly. Taiwanese is too kind, isn’t?


As for the Little Sisters of the Grassland Pipa Concerto, it is accompanied seamlessly by Amy Chang & TCO and performed greatly by Qiang Zhang! There are five parts of this concerto: tending sheep, fighting with the tempest, processing in the cold night, remembering the people’s kindness & blossom of red flowers, which reminded A-Mao of one event in Taiwan before……


Blossom of Red Flowers—千萬朵紅花遍地開

2 則留言:

  1. 我跟你的感覺剛好相反,我覺得梁祝比小姐妹從容,雖然兩個都偏趕,不過你好想比較著重在他「強悍」的部分。我的感想更新了,歡迎你再來看一次:)

  2. 去看過嘍,又復習了音樂會一次。
