
Isshinkan, Kinugawa—鬼怒川一心館

In March 2007, M & A-Mao were visiting some customers in Tokyo for few days. M returned to Taiwan in advance, while I started my two-day travel, without plans in detail, in Nikkou & Kinugawa by a World Heritage Pass. I encountered Koos from Netherlands, and both of us happily spent a whole afternoon in Nikkou. After that, we said goodbye and then were on "different trains"—somehow it reminded me of this Reich’s music. He got to go to Tokyo, whereas I had to continue my travel. It was snowing in Kinugawa at night, and I found no cheap hotel or guest house there. Well, what could I do? I went to an “onsen hotel” and negotiated by my poor Japanese. Finally, it took 20,000 yen “only” for one-night stay as well as dinner & breakfast at this Isshinkan.

2007年3月到東京出差數日後,A-Mao便利用東武鐵道的「世界遺產通票」,展開為期兩天一夜、日光暨鬼怒川、事前“沒有”規劃之旅。與在路上撿到、來自荷蘭的Koos同遊日光一下午後,兩人就在東武日光駅分道揚鑣:可愛的Koos要去東京;我則是到鬼怒川繼續未完的旅程(不知為何,心中竟響起Reich的Different Trains)。一出鬼怒川温泉駅,媽啊!都已經3月了咧,天空竟下起雪來。在這個溫泉區像頭喪家之犬尋覓了快一個鐘頭,完全找不到便宜的民宿可以投宿;在饑寒交迫下,硬著頭皮走進了一家溫泉飯店。用破爛日文及裝可憐的一番交涉後,最後「只」以兩萬日鋃,一泊二食入住這家一心館

As soon as loosing my backpack in my personal, exclusive Japanese-style room, I enjoyed Kinugawa hot spring. Their appointment is pretty good, and the feeling is so gorgeous & tranquil that my body & mind totally relaxed. And then, foods again! The appetizers came with a doburoku (or home-brew style of sake). A young waiter was fast describing all ingredients in Japanese. As long as I had a question, amazingly, he could answer immediately—but I could understand 40~50 percent only. The fried shrimp and fish from river is the best, the tofu with green source made from something is not bad, but the beef is overcooked. Regarding the others, I forgot.


Then, a soup and sashimi was served. Everyone can image that the soup is pure Japanese traditional type. As for sashimi, the two shiromi (or white fish) with skin is very fresh, but the akami (or red fish) of tuna is not defrosted yet (minus), and, even though I paid 20,000 yen, there is one small, delicious amaebi (sweet shrimp) only (minus). However, the piece of konnyaku goes very well with wasabi soybean source.


This nimono, the waiter's favorite, is simmered with pork, burdock, carrot, green bean & ganmodoki (a fried tofu). A simple but impressing dish.


This wild ayu (or sweetfish) is grilled just with salt. Its posture is so vivid, and the whole fish is eatable with a special aroma, but I left its head alone.


Next, A-Mao enjoyed a "toubanyaki" of mushroom, asparagus & Tochigi beef as well as a French-style soup made from yuba which is famous there. Hum, I started feeling it is worthy of 20,000 yen, a little bit.


My God! This tempura is as crispy as splendid! With the green tea flavor salt, I was almost full up then but still chewed it within loudly crunchy sounds.


After another nice hot spring, I had this delicate overture as breakfast. Even though my appetite is not always good in the morning, I finished one bowl of oishii rice along with spicy mentaiko & grilled, dried horse mackerel. While I was leaving for Ryuuoukyou, their staffs were seeing me off in the front of hotel. Well, it is really touching. (You artificial Japanese! I'll be back!)

這是隔日泡完溫泉後的早餐,那小哥還現煮了味增湯。A-Mao起床第一頓總是吃不多;但那開胃的明太子跟烤竹莢魚乾,讓我過量地完食一整碗好吃的日本米飯。離開一心館前往龍王峽時,在場的員工列隊在門口揮手送別,讓孤單的我淚水差點就要飆出來(你們這些做作的日本人,我會再回來的)! 【鬼怒川一心馆】

Can you see three monkeys?—看的到有三隻猴子嗎?


Yung Kee, Hong Kong—香港鏞記—ヨンキー

In October 2006, A-Mao & Bowen was in Hong Kong for an exhibition. It is our first time there, after standing by the booth on working hours and putting on leisure wear in Rambler Garden Hotel, every night we were experiencing this islands until there would be no trains back to Tsing Yi Station. While walking around, both of us frequently and excitingly encountered places in which certain cinemas of Hong Kong were shot, and Victoria Harbour & Peak is so spectacular! Not to mention lots of novel food was tasted—I will always remember that Bowen's face was shot by a "pissing beef ball". Meanwhile, my first quarrel in English was there with a taxi driver.


After visiting Lan Kwai Fong, a foreigners' haunt for drinking and clubbing, we run in famous Yung Kee, and I therefore was facing the dilemma of dining inside with Bowen, who has a good appetite, and afterwards being jawed by my boss, or being very regretful for missing a good restaurant. We discussed almost for 20 minutes and, finally, saw eye to eye on entering it on an extremely limited budget.


Without reservation, we had to wait. Around 30 minutes later, we were took to a table on which the century egg with pickled ginger was served already—not free of charge. Addition to roast goose, I nervously ordered three relatively cheap dim sum and then contentedly looked into this beautiful prelude. The yummy, floating yolk is dark green, whereas the ginger is colored light pink. The image is as contrastive as the taste is harmonious.


Yung Kee is distinguished for the flying roast goose. It is called "flying" because of its special package for travelers to bring it on board. At the age of 6, I was chased by a flock of goose. Time to hit back again! The skin is a little bit crispy, the meat is rich, the fat is flavorful, & the sauce is fantastic. In conclusion, excellent delicacy served by normal service at costly price.


Night view seen from Rambler Garden Hotel—华逸酒店夜景


Business Twin of Toyoko Inn—東橫Inn商務雙人房

For budget travelers, Toyoko Inn is good value, clean and mostly at good location. A-Mao loves traveling abroad even though it is mainly for business. After doing team works in the daytime, however, I don’t like to accompany the other male colleague in a twin room at night, especially when we finished all topics to talk. And, sometimes we had no choice but a double room! Thanks God for that I & engineer R encountered “business twin” of Toyoko Inn in 2007. As soon as I opened its door, surprisingly, another door was in front of me—it seems to be against Chinese Feng Shui, and we happily noticed it is a toilet almost separating the room. There are two beds, two desks, two TVs, two air conditions, you name it. Both of us had basic private space, and the best is that the cost is the same as a normal twin. Those having “business twin” I know: Tokyo Kamata Higashi-guchi, Kyoto Shijo-Omiya, Shin-Osaka Chuo-guchi Honkan & Shin-Osaka Chuo-guchi Shinkan.

想必與同性同事出過差的人都知道,在安排住宿時為了幫公司省錢,通常兩個人會睡一間雙人房。訂得到twin room還好,一人一張單人床;在碰到假期和商展的時候,特定的地區及飯店有double room能睡就該偷笑了。在寸土寸金的東京與大阪,飯店房間又特別的狹窄;在經過白天形影不離的相處後,休息時還要雞犬相聞;除非兩個人都很會攪豬屎,到最後話題聊光,還真讓人囧到不行。很幸運地,在2007年讓A-Mao和R同學終於在大阪,發現東橫Inn有一種business twin:一開房門那一瞬間,赫然又看到另一扇門(這似乎犯了中國風水的忌諱);打開之後才知道原來裡面是浴室。位在房間中央的浴室,兩旁分別有獨立的床鋪、桌子、電視、冰箱、空調以及其他該有的設備;這樣的空間設計,提供了相當程度的個人隱私,我們兩個都非常喜歡。最棒的是,價格竟等同一般的twin!已知有business twin的:東京蒲田東口、京都四條大宮、新大阪中央口本舘以及新大阪中央口新舘。【东横Inn商务双人房】

Free breakfast of Toyoko Inn—東橫Inn免鋃早餐


Asakusa Sansada Tendon—浅草三定天丼

In November 2007, A-Mao did business trip with engineer R for 7 days in Japan. We visited one company near by Asakusa, and then I took him to Sensouji to ask for a safe & fruitful trip from the Guanyin. After that, I chose a tempura restaurant at random without R's comment because he really has no idea about Japanese cuisines. After googling the words on the bowl lid in photos several months later, I knew Sansada is a famous & historic one. Both of us went for Tendon then, including fried a half of eggplant, a piece of squid, two shrimps (very fresh) & one whole whiting (my favorite). The rice is al dente, whereas the source is as flavorful as tasteful. For comparison, however, next time I would like to visit another famous tempura restaurant in Asakusa, Daikokuya.


Tendon ekiben purchased at Tokyo station—東京站的天丼便當


Magurobito Kaminarimon Shucchoujo—まぐろ人雷門出張所

Now kaiten-zushi is not special in metropolises, but Tachigui (stand-up eating) sushi seems cool & interesting to me. Magurobito (Tuna People) Kaminarimon Shucchoujo is near by Sensouji and their price is so affordable. Basically, if you order one ingredient, nigiri-zushi (hand-formed sushi) or gunkan-maki (warship roll) would be served in pairs. This time A-Mao tasted 8 kinds or 18 ones (7 x 2 + 1 x 2 x 2 = 18). As soon as I finished a nice one, I kept the other and ordered the next. The following are TOP 5.

迴轉寿司不稀奇,站著吃寿司才叫酷!在浅草寺的雷門附近,就有「まぐろ人雷門出張所」(まぐろ漢字:鮪),在非用餐時段吧台旁竟站滿了客人,A-Mao看一下店門前的菜單,價格還算合理,就進去體驗「立喰い鮨」囉。基本上,客人點一種食材,除非特別聲明,板前一定會給你兩貫寿司。此次A-Mao吃了8種共18貫(7 x 2 + 1 x 2 x 2 = 18):每吃完一貫無敵好味,就再點另一種;既能把心頭好留到最後再一倂享用,大家還能排排坐拍個紀念照,多好!自左而右:

1. Uni (sea urchin): The chef always picked the best ingredients for me maybe because of my poor Japanese. This urchin is the hugest I ever see, and it is the best experience when the whole warship sunk in my mouth.
2. Ika (squid): Although the price is cheap, the kind chef made this fresh piece more than decent.
3. Kazunoko (herring roe): It was my first time eating seasoned, golden kazunoko, which was bound to the rice with a strip of dried laver. The most crunchy sea delicacy!
4. Konasu (small eggplant): The juicy tsukemono with a little bit astringent taste should be pickled in rice bran. Like gari, or sweet, pickled ginger, this could cleanse the palate.
5. Sayori (halfbeak): The springtime & sterling fish was curved on the rice with sliced green onion & chopped ginger. Duo to its crisp texture and mild taste, Sayori was the only one I ordered once again.

1. うに(海膽):你看看、你看看,這海膽是A-Mao這一輩子中吃過最碩大的一顆,大到這個軍艦卷比其他握壽司要高了兩三公分!由衷感謝卍大慈大悲卍的板前,當時儘可能挑最佳美的材料給我這個外國人。當一整艘軍艦在口腔中沉沒時,真是痛快!【海胆】
2. いか(烏賊):雖不是昂貴的名店,生烏賊與醋飯卻被捏出微妙的緊緻感,加上食材很鮮甜,在口中咀嚼良久才捨得吞下肚子。【乌贼】
3. 数の子(鯡魚子):這一貫也是大到讓旁邊也有點鯡魚卵的歐吉桑眼紅!第一次嘗鯡魚子,先試吃兩端尖尖的部份。哇~~~!每嚼一下,鮮味就伴著一顆顆金黃魚卵「脆裂」的聲音散開;之後更厚的中段部份與飯粒之搭配口感也讓A-Mao驚豔到不行。【青鱼子】
4. 小なす(小茄子):你沒看錯,這真的只是半顆迷你茄子。多汁味美,應是用米糠醃漬過的;濃郁的馨香伴著些許的澀味,在吃過一輪海鮮後,跟醋薑一樣,有清新口腔的作用。【小茄子】
5. さより(針魚):這魚台灣也有,只是無緣地從沒吃過;這下能吃到生的豈能錯過?半條長長的魚肉盤臥在醋飯上,少許蔥花與薑末下的魚皮閃耀著銀光,非常漂亮。嗚!肉質相當爽脆清甜,讓A-Mao忍不住又再點了一次。【针鱼】

雷門: Kaminarimon—Panasonic贊助


A Coda: The Best Kimchi & a Beef Soup in Busan—終曲:釜山之非凡泡菜暨牛肉湯

Surprisingly, Japanese is much more useful than English in Busan, the largest port city in South Korea. After googling, the result makes sense that this city is so close to Japan, and it takes 1.5 hour from Osaka by plane, whereas it takes 3 hours from Fukuoka by ferry. By the way, I changed tourist information with an old lady, a lonely & kind backpacker from Kumamoto, on my way to Beomeosa, a must-see temple. Let's get back to foods. When A-Mao arrived in Busan by KTX, an alluring smell of beef was floating in the underground passage connecting Busan station to the opposite Chinatown, or Shanghai Street. I therefore was liked a rat hearing the march from "the Pied Piper of Hamelin" and found this restaurant. One of their young waitresses speaks Japanese well and suggested their beef soup. The kimchi is all-you-can-eat which the best kimchi is in my whole life.


From two jars, experienced A-Mao took a pair of scissors & a pincers to cut the daikon & cabbage kimchi. Firstly, it is spicy, spicy, and spicy! Secondly, it is juicy, tasteful, and balanced well with vegetables, pepper, salt, sugar & ocean flavor maybe comes from fish sauce or shrimp paste. Even though I was sweating a lot and might get a serious stomachache, I could not stop my hands & mouth. Finally, the beef soup stopped me. The broth is clear, flavorful but a little bit salty. Like the locals, I poured the bowl of rice into the soup for balance, and then it tasted so good that I composed this perfect meal as a coda of Korean cuisine in my 2007.


Cherry blossoms & CCTV—南韓真是CCTV大國啊

Tosokchon Samgyetang—土俗村蔘雞湯

Thanks to Korea Tourism Organization. I got a free but exclusive Chinese-speaking tour guide at Gyeongbokgung for 2 hours and really enjoyed it. He highly recommended Tosokchon & their Samgyetang (or chicken ginseng soup) for a lunch near by the palace. Before my first Samgyetang, as usual, I had kimchi as appetizer. It is average, and I couldn’t tell what the difference between these two daikon kimchi is.


I went to there at 11:30 A.M. around, and suddenly people crowded the restaurant. Most people went for Samgyetang which was served in the hot stone bowl with a small bottle of ginseng wine. I imitated the locals and then poured the wine into the soup. The broth is herb flavor & healthy, the whole chicken is young & tender, and the rice inside it is nutritious & yummy. Really fond of it but extremely full up.


Night view seen from Mount Namsan, Seoul—首爾南山的夜景


Bibimbap: Hell & Heaven—梨泰院石鍋拌飯vs.古宮全州拌飯

From my point of view, Itaewon in which a local landmark Hamilton Hotel can be found is the most non-Korean area in Seoul for tourists. Slightly similar with "Khao San Road" in Bangkok & "Pham Ngu Lao" in Ho Chi Minh, there are lots of stores, bars & restaurants earning money from foreigners. If you don't have much budget for sleeping, I recommend a sauna in the basement of Hamilton Hotel because it's cheap and near by the subway station. But the ceiling of sleeping area is so low that you have to watch your head, and you may lie next to a guy snoring loudly. In Taiwan, anyway, dolsot bibimbap is my favorite Korean cuisine. It is served in a very hot stone bowl in which a raw egg & seasoned vegetables with chili pepper paste is cooked against the sides of the bowl, and the layer of the rice touching the bowl is golden brown & crispy. I ordered this in Itaewon which is a colorful one but the most distasteful dish during this travel time.


Jeonju bibimbap is well-known across South Korea, and Gogung is one of the best restaurants specializing in this traditional food. This set appeared in Myeongdong. Before 7 delicate side dishes, including a few kinds of Kimchi and fried laver which is flavorful and crispy, served as accompanists, the soloist, Jeonju bibimbap, was sent in a brass bowl wearing a gorgeous dress, various unknown nuts & vegetables. One Japanese-speaking waitress helped me stir it professionally. Overall, a complicated concerto, a harmonic masterpiece, bravo!


Hamilton Hotel—漢彌頓飯店