
Magurobito Kaminarimon Shucchoujo—まぐろ人雷門出張所

Now kaiten-zushi is not special in metropolises, but Tachigui (stand-up eating) sushi seems cool & interesting to me. Magurobito (Tuna People) Kaminarimon Shucchoujo is near by Sensouji and their price is so affordable. Basically, if you order one ingredient, nigiri-zushi (hand-formed sushi) or gunkan-maki (warship roll) would be served in pairs. This time A-Mao tasted 8 kinds or 18 ones (7 x 2 + 1 x 2 x 2 = 18). As soon as I finished a nice one, I kept the other and ordered the next. The following are TOP 5.

迴轉寿司不稀奇,站著吃寿司才叫酷!在浅草寺的雷門附近,就有「まぐろ人雷門出張所」(まぐろ漢字:鮪),在非用餐時段吧台旁竟站滿了客人,A-Mao看一下店門前的菜單,價格還算合理,就進去體驗「立喰い鮨」囉。基本上,客人點一種食材,除非特別聲明,板前一定會給你兩貫寿司。此次A-Mao吃了8種共18貫(7 x 2 + 1 x 2 x 2 = 18):每吃完一貫無敵好味,就再點另一種;既能把心頭好留到最後再一倂享用,大家還能排排坐拍個紀念照,多好!自左而右:

1. Uni (sea urchin): The chef always picked the best ingredients for me maybe because of my poor Japanese. This urchin is the hugest I ever see, and it is the best experience when the whole warship sunk in my mouth.
2. Ika (squid): Although the price is cheap, the kind chef made this fresh piece more than decent.
3. Kazunoko (herring roe): It was my first time eating seasoned, golden kazunoko, which was bound to the rice with a strip of dried laver. The most crunchy sea delicacy!
4. Konasu (small eggplant): The juicy tsukemono with a little bit astringent taste should be pickled in rice bran. Like gari, or sweet, pickled ginger, this could cleanse the palate.
5. Sayori (halfbeak): The springtime & sterling fish was curved on the rice with sliced green onion & chopped ginger. Duo to its crisp texture and mild taste, Sayori was the only one I ordered once again.

1. うに(海膽):你看看、你看看,這海膽是A-Mao這一輩子中吃過最碩大的一顆,大到這個軍艦卷比其他握壽司要高了兩三公分!由衷感謝卍大慈大悲卍的板前,當時儘可能挑最佳美的材料給我這個外國人。當一整艘軍艦在口腔中沉沒時,真是痛快!【海胆】
2. いか(烏賊):雖不是昂貴的名店,生烏賊與醋飯卻被捏出微妙的緊緻感,加上食材很鮮甜,在口中咀嚼良久才捨得吞下肚子。【乌贼】
3. 数の子(鯡魚子):這一貫也是大到讓旁邊也有點鯡魚卵的歐吉桑眼紅!第一次嘗鯡魚子,先試吃兩端尖尖的部份。哇~~~!每嚼一下,鮮味就伴著一顆顆金黃魚卵「脆裂」的聲音散開;之後更厚的中段部份與飯粒之搭配口感也讓A-Mao驚豔到不行。【青鱼子】
4. 小なす(小茄子):你沒看錯,這真的只是半顆迷你茄子。多汁味美,應是用米糠醃漬過的;濃郁的馨香伴著些許的澀味,在吃過一輪海鮮後,跟醋薑一樣,有清新口腔的作用。【小茄子】
5. さより(針魚):這魚台灣也有,只是無緣地從沒吃過;這下能吃到生的豈能錯過?半條長長的魚肉盤臥在醋飯上,少許蔥花與薑末下的魚皮閃耀著銀光,非常漂亮。嗚!肉質相當爽脆清甜,讓A-Mao忍不住又再點了一次。【针鱼】

雷門: Kaminarimon—Panasonic贊助

