
Hibiya Matsumotoro—日比谷松本楼

On the last day of this 7-day unaccompanied business trip, I went to the Hibiya Park. The sole motive is to banquet myself in the Matsumotorou which's founder, Mr. Shokichi Umeya, was a zealous supporter of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and donated greatly to our revolutionary cause; besides, Hifumi Arai recommends this restaurant. Hoping my hard work & Ultracker's H.264 DVR at SXGA (about four D1) resolution would cause a revolution in Japan CCTV industry as well.

08年於日本為期七日,孤軍奮戰差旅的最後一天,A-Mao來到為於日比谷公園的松本楼,算是自己開個慶功宴;原因?當然是有來頭的:孫中山(孫文)革命滿清多次,每每受到現今松本樓社長夫人的祖父梅屋庄吉接濟,再加上百折不撓的毅力與精神,終於建立民國成功(另外,新井一二三有介紹過)。啊!那當下我的小小心願是:耕耘日本市場也那麼久了,此行又是如此艱難困苦,最後在與咱家國父有關的餐廳吃頓飯,那艾創科技之優秀的H.264 DVR @ 1280 x 1024解析度,也許能在日本當地CCTV業界,掀起另一番革命吧!

Sharing an outdoor table with the others, A-Mao was watching a child eating beef curry rice speedily but joyfully, and then it was his turn. Being dipped with some tartar sauce, fried shrimp is as fresh as crispy, and the aromatic beef sauce went so well with the soft, creamy omuraisu. If it had been served hotter, this combo would have been perfect. By the way, the Matsumotorou has a branch at the Tokyo Big Sight. If you visit this one of the largest convention venues in Japan, don’t forget to try this “omelet rice with hashed beef sauce”.

為了在戶外優雅的環境下用餐,與其他人併桌。當鄰座的小朋友快速嗑完他的咖哩飯後,我的蛋包飯佐燉牛肉醬汁伴炸蝦被送來了。擠點檸檬汁,沾些塔塔醬,哇!外皮酥脆的炸蝦,是100分的新鮮彈牙、風味十足!接著,滋潤柔軟的黃色半熟蛋、和濃醇香滑的褐色牛肉醬汁,攪拌搭配起飯來,呵!真是卓越非凡的美味(若能再溫熱一些,會更符合台灣的胃)。此外 ,去過東京Big Sight三次了,如今才曉得松本楼有一家分店在那耶(残念…)。未來有機會去Big Sight,可別忘了就近嘗嘗這道「オムレツライス・ハヤシソース」喔!【牛肉咖喱蛋包饭】

延伸閱讀:Big Sight松本樓



It was my second time visiting Unamaru, a 9-seat restaurant specializing in kabayaki eel in the Omoide-Yokochou. Not only is the location near by Shinjuku Station, but its price is also cost-efficient. Their cultivated eels are delivered daily and directly from Yoshida, Shizuoka, in which cultivators are fighting against their compatriots in Aichi, and, of course, Taiwanese & Chinese. However, the restaurant's suppliers' marketing strategy is to highlight that their eels are fed with waste from fisheries processing factories nearby so that theirs are more nutritious & flavorful.


Tried their unadon served in a bowl before, I ordered unajuu served in a box as well as grilled eel liver, which took time a little bit longer. A-Mao had unajuu waiting for a while in order to take a photo with all his meal. Rice is still rich and boxed with tender kabayaki eel & its crispy tail; meanwhile, grilled liver dressed with some shichimi plays an important supporting role. Ah! Umai!



Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building—東京都庁舎


Kondoya Udon —ゲソ天丼與山菜うどん

The best Japanese octopus is come from the Seto Inland Sea, serving as a waterway between the Pacific Ocean & the Sea of Japan. In Okayama in the night of September, 2008, I was planning to find takoyaki but could not make it. I therefore went to this Kondoya Udon for my late snack.

章魚若生長在泥質或砂質的海中,無法像在礁岩地區成長的般,鍛鍊出優秀的足部肌理;瀨戶內海的洋流湍急,此地捕獲的章魚,肉質想當然爾,兼具韌性與彈性。08年九月的深夜,A-Mao在瀨戶內海邊的岡山虛晃,本想找章魚燒解饞,不過久久未果。索性,進來火車站前的這家「Kondoya Udon」宵夜。

From the menu, each donburi looked so delicious, but only geso-tendon is marked as a local specialty. Why not go for it? Costing 660 yen only, this set included a smaller donburi and a bowl of sansai udon. (Note: geso means legs of octopus or squid, while sansai means edible wild plants.)


I love Japanese fried shrimp so much that one was ordered additionally. The donburi in which rice is flavored with sweet-salty sauce, topped with juicy, fried octopus and dressed with fresh spring onion is luscious, whereas the Sanuki-style udon, including fiddlehead fern & arrowhead bamboo shoot, tasted so delightful. This set was reminding me of a Chinese idiom: delicacies from land and sea.

伴隨著加點的炸蝦,「ゲソ天丼」以及「山菜うどん」亮相了!那當下,真的是不知從何下箸。外皮香脆的炸章魚腿,果真厚肉好嚼又多汁,搭配新鮮的蔥花、與鹹甜的醬汁,讓人狠狠扒了幾口飯;山菜烏龍也不遜色,昆布柴魚的湯頭清爽、讃岐風格的麵條彈牙、脆脆的蕨菜與箭筍各自表述不同的山林風味。左右開弓地吃著,A-Mao突然體悟到,啥叫「山珍海味」。 【日本冈山】


JR Pass & Shinkansen Tickets—日本鐵路周遊券與新幹線指定席車票


Moriawase of Wako—和幸の盛合せ

When you have no idea of where to eat, a restaurant which is being lined up should be an easy choice. A little after noon in September, I stood in a line for 5 minutes around, sat down and then opened the menu of Wako, a famous tonkatsu chain collecting the best ingredients. Six kinds of moriawase (or combo) attracted my interests, and I went for azami (or thistle) because this set includes fried pork cutlet rolled with cheese & perilla, fried shrimp, crab cream korokke & mini burdock salad. Besides, rice, clam miso soup & shredded cabbage are all-you-can-eat.


After the man beside me finished his second bowl of rice, my combo was served on an iron net, and then I squeezed some lemon juice on fried seafood. Flavor of cheese & perilla goes so well with pink cutlet, fried shrimp with tartar sauce is delicious also, and the most outstanding is that the crab korokke is very creamy inside & very crunchy outside. But the worst is that I had to eat this meal so quickly for the next meeting. Nevertheless, A-Mao encountered a nice restaurant.



Kouryu Ramen—康龍拉麵

In the night of September, 2008, after visiting three customers within one day, I was trying finding something good to eat on the streets of Shinjuku. The night was not young, but people were lining up in front of this Kouryu Ramen, and poor A-Mao was in a dilemma as to whether to eat ramen—most of them were too salty for me—to refill my battery or to keep on search. Eventually, I gave ramen another chance.


Very impressing customized service. By an order sheet, my noodles is not firm nor tender, the richness of tonkotsu soup is as light as possible, normally oily & spicy flavor would be a safe choice, and Hakata spring onion & chashu (roasted pork) are selected, of course. In addition to half boiled egg ordered additionally, from eight toppings, I picked karashi-takana, more spring onion, dried seaweed from the Ariake Sea, and kakuni (simmered pork).


About tasting ramen, the louder, the better. Strange from Japanese normal behavior, isn't it? Except for kakuni, anyway, each instrument was played so well that A-Mao has made an optimal option which only smart bankers can achieve. Next time, I will replace kakuni by menma (dried bamboo shoots).


People-Mountain-People-Sea Shinjuku Station—人山人海的新宿駅

Ikkyudo Yakumi Kyo-Shichimi:一休堂京七味(薬味)

I like Arai Hifumi’s prose. Her style is kind of wise, casual & mo lei tau. Before returning to Taiwan, as usual, I would purchase some ingredients bringing Japanese flavors home. At a supermarket under Shinjuku Station, A-Mao encountered Ikkyudo Yakumi Kyo-Shichimi which is catering for Arai Hifumi. Therefore, there was no reason not to open my wallet. This shichimi contains chili pepper, sichuan pepper, green laver, mandarin orange peel, black sesame seed, hemp seed & poppy seed. It smells delicately stimulating and, with cool beer only, tastes not so hot but fantastic. Because of hemp & poppy seeds especially, this relish is sort of illusionary.


Tokyo Kitty—東京小貓


Your Omuraisu—「你」的蛋包飯

Each time watching TV introducing “Tanpopo (dandelion) Omuraisu”, I cannot help swallowing saliva. Finally, I went to Kissa You serving this delicacy. Not hard to find this cafe which is between Higashi-Ginza Station exit 5 & Kabuki-za.


It was Autumnal Equinox Day. Although lunchtime passed, there was a crowd of customers still. No problem! Wonderful food is always worthy to wait. One cigarette, double checking shinkansen tickets & freely taking pictures spent half hour around……


Japanese cuisines is usually colorful: light yellow omelette on dark orange fried rice dressed by fresh red ketchup & fresh green parsley. Then, the dandelion would blossom though your knife.


Looked not bad, and butter flavor omelette with sweet & sour ketchup shuttling among grains of rice tasted subtle. This 40-year-old kissaten is really good in cooking, but this dish seemed to be slightly greasy in the end. A-Mao guesses it is historical taste of Tokyo.


Kissa You—喫茶YOU


Treasure Island in Tsukuba—筑波的寶島

A-Mao's first experience of lonely backpack was in Japan in January, 2006, whereas the first unaccompanied business trip was also in Japan. In September, 2008, for a meeting in next morning, I took Narita Express from Narita Airport to Tokyo and then took Tsukuba Express from Akihabara to Tsukuba Center. After checking in at Grand Shinonome Hotel, I was so starving. The Takarajima (or treasure island) near by might be the most optimal selection in this tranquil city.

A-Mao此生首次單獨國外旅行,2006年2月,選擇了日本;而首次單獨海外差旅,2008年9月,也是獻給了日本。到了成田機場,換了JR Pass、輾轉到つくばセンター(經過兩次實驗,先從機場到秋葉原、再 搭つくばエクスプレス到つくばセンター,是扛一堆行李的旅人的最佳路徑)。在ホテルグランド東雲check-in後,我早就餓得一蹋糊塗;就在左近的宝島焼肉,可能是當下在這個寧靜的城鎮,來自寶島的A-Mao,滿足口腹之欲的最佳選擇。

"Dolsot bibimbap teishoku" was picked because it includes rice & beef. It also came with salad, kimchi & seaweed soup. I was so hungry that the roast beef with sweet sauce tasted so good. On the other hand, I was in an ecstasy and looking forward to dolsot bibimbap.


About 10 minutes later, the hot dolsot bibimbap was served. Having no time to take photos, I poured kimchi into it and mixed this dish. Sounds from the stone bowl sounded very delicious. As soon as it was a little bit cooler, itadakimasu! Well, it is modified to fit Japanese tongue so that it is not as spicy as those I ate in South Korea & Taiwan. But yummy as well.


Moreover, there are various hot & cool beverages. Regarding tea bag, 10 kinds of options. I chose osmanthus fragrans tea made in China; meanwhile, I was hoping quality control of this restaurant is Japanese standard. In all, now branches of Takarajima are almost located in Ibaraki & Chiba, and it is a cost-efficient place for yakiniku.


Grand Shinonome Hotel—ホテルグランド東雲