
饌王牛肉麺—Chuan Wang Beef Noodle Soup


Chuan Wang (饌王) is the winner of the first Taipei Beef Noodle Festival. 減油味醇 (low oil, rich flavor) is their slogan, but it is strange to A-Mao that the subtitle 精品 (literally boutique or gourmet) is trumpeted. This one is beef noodle soup with half meat & half tendon. The taste of soup is delicious because of good materials, and the toppings is extremely tender. Then, don't forget to add some pickled cabbage, chopped spring onion or chili oil. A nice bowl, and it seems to be suit for Japanese, but I started missing traditional Taiwanese ones after all.【馔王精品牛肉面】

饌王のメニュー—Menu of Chuan Wang


The Memorandum, a Great Duet—「備忘錄」:大きい二重奏

On 27th of December, A-Mao and his family went to Taipei National University of the Arts to see L'Aide Memoire, The Memorandum, of Jean-Claude Carriere. This play features two characters only and takes about 80 minutes. I guess it is very difficult to give interpretation. Ridiculous plot is started from a wordy and trustless lady, performed by Miss Lu, forces herself into a successful but weird guy, performed by Mr. Zhang, who writes down the profiles of all the women who run in his life. After various, countless reactions of love, the melody in the beginning, the woman entering the man’s space, appears in inversion form in the end, the man leaving woman’s space. This great duet is deeply touching! Though it is not a perfect performance, the two actors’ future is expectable.


A Corner of TNUA—北藝大一角


A Small Benchmark Test in Network of H.264 DVRs—ベンチマークテスト

Ultracker full image with playback & backup function.


Dynacolor full image having sleek interlace.


AV Tech full image on as simple as possible interface.


Ultracker quad mode revealing the image of engineers.


Dynacolor quad mode lacks technical fantasy.


AV Tech quad mode on as simple as possible interface, too.


Full Image from Manila, Philippines, via DDNS, PPPoE & Ultracker.



H.264 & QuickTime

Until now, Microsoft still dose not support H.264 because of VC-1. The most main way of playing H.264 video in a web browser is via Apple's QuickTime player. This picture was captured when A-Mao accessed Ultracker 16-channel DVR.


This one was captured from AV Tech 4-channel DVR. There is a QuickTime icon as well.


Ultracker’s 16 images from Taiwan via the Internet.


AV Tech’s 4 images from Hong Kong by the Internet.



老鄧擔擔麵—Lao-Deng Dan-Dan Noodles


A-Mao has been Lao-Deng Dan-Dan Noodles' customer for more than 10 years. Thanks god for their food is as good as usual because some of my favorite flavor was changed or phased out forever. I still remember that we, Cheng Kung Senior High School Wind Ensemble, asked for as hot as possible spicy for stupid funning. Though Lao-Deng has new recipes, only Dan-Dan Noodles was ordered when going to there alone. The texture of noodles is sleek, but the sesame sauce & peanut powder provides deep taste & irregular but joyful mouthfeel with light stimulus of sichuan pepper. Then, happy sweating!



新しいデコレーション—New Decoration—新的裝潢


Image of Kobe—神戸映像

When it comes to Kobe, what do you come up with? I asked some of my friends and colleagues, and all of their answer is steak. As for mine, it is about travel and, of course, Kobe beef. Been to there twice, I mainly visited a customer so that there was no time to enjoy this city located between the bay & mountains but was bought a lunch at The Sky Buffet in 2008. Food is not bad, and the view is so magnificent at 24 flours.

當提到神戶,你會想起什麼?問了周遭一些人,回答都是神戶牛排!去過這個港口城市兩次了,都是為了拜訪客戶,所以沒能夠四處晃晃。不過,08年客人在ザ・スカイブッフェ(The Sky Buffet)請吃午餐:食物不壞,自24樓看出去的景色真是無敵壯觀。

The artificial island in Port of Kobe is Port Island, and there is another island behind on which the Kobe Airport built. Suddenly, I also recalled that TOA, a famous CCTV company, is headquartered on the Port Island. Anyway, my image of Kobe is quite good—though no Kobe beef.


Kobe in Autumn—神戸秋景色


Okinawa Koregusu—沖縄辣椒泡盛

It is weird that Okinawa soba is totally different from normal Japanese soba made from buckwheat. A-Mao ordered his first one at an Okinawan restaurant in Akihabara. It tasted simple and supposed to be healthy. Boring, he poured some koregusu which is chili soaked in awamori, the local sake in Ryukyu Islands. Then, the flavor became a little bit interesting. Shall Okinawa soba be tested again? How about buying one bottle of koregusu? He wondered.


Okinawa Soba Set—沖縄そばセット


日本上陸許可—Japan Landing Permission


Sometimes looking into the dates and cities on visas or stamps in a passport is like reviewing the history of travel. The color of Japan landing permission was changed from orange to grey in 2008, but the legal basis shall be the same because nothing happened when A-Mao obtained his first grey one from the immigration officer. A night train travel by a 7-day JR Pass is being planned. Will it be with the grey seal? 【橙色和灰色的上陆许可】

R.O.C Taiwan Passport & Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit
(We are different countries, OK?!)


本格的なH.264—Way to Verify H.264

CCTV産業のDVRまたはIPカメラについて、H.264圧縮は将来の主流になりました。しかし、大部分の人々がMPEG-4とH.264の間の違いを見分ける事は難しい。また、「偽」H.264 DVRもいる!さて、これは簡単な方法です:クイックタイムがビデオを再生している時、「Ctrl + L」をプッシュ。アップル社の無料のプレーヤーはフォーマットが何であるかについて確証する。

In CCTV industry, whatever DVR or IP camera, H.264 compression format has become a future mainstream. But, only depending on watching video, it is hard for most of people to tell the difference between MPEG-4 & H.264; besides, on the market, there are “fake” H.264 DVRs! Well, here comes an easy way. When QuickTime is playing a video, you can push “Ctrl + L”. This free player from Apple would show what the format is.

在CCTV業界,無論是DVR還是IP camera,H.264漸漸成為主流的壓縮格式。但是,光是看影像,絕大多數人是分辨不出MPEG-4與H.264之間的差異;此外,業界還有不少「偽」H.264 DVR!不過,有一個簡單的驗證方法:用QuickTime回放影像時,按「Ctrl + L」,這個由Apple提供的免費軟體,就能檢閱影片的格式。

Ultracker in ISC West—艾創在拉斯維加斯