
Montagne d'Or—黃金山脈

Many years before, someone used a digital camera, which had not been popular yet, took a similar picture for me. I liked it but didn't appreciate it enough then......Mariage Freres' Montagne d'Or (or mountain of gold) has been one of my favorite beverages for almost ten years. It contains Chinese black tea, marigold, safflower and rose blossoms as well as pieces of papaya & apple to express a colorful image & symphonic flavor. A-Mao likes to soak some by cool water in a PET bottle in the refrigerator for one day, and it tastes so marvelous, especially in summer.

很久的從前,有個人,用那年頭還是不普遍的數位相機,拍了類似的照片給我;喜歡歸喜歡,但當時不是分外珍惜……已經近十年了,Mariage Freres的黃金山脈還是A-Mao最鍾愛的飲料之一:繽紛燦爛的顏色、與交響曲般的風味,是來自中國紅茶、金盞菊、紅花、玫瑰、蘋果和木瓜。我常用冷開水浸泡些在寶特瓶中、放在冰箱內冷藏一整天,滋味真是不凡;特別是在酷熱的夏天。【黄金山脉】

延伸閱讀:Mariage Freres白象紅茶

Montagne d'Or—モンターニュ・ドール「黄金の山」

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