
Curry Maker: Karikaru—咖哩製造商:カリカル

In March, 2006, I & honcho A finished looking around Security Show and took the Yurikamome to Shinbashi. Before taking the Yamanote Line back to Shinjuku, we found this delicious curry bar—the best is that their fried oyster is crunch outside & soft inside. Accompanied with me, boss M in March, 2006, & engineer R in November, 2007, went to there, and both of them really enjoyed. In September, 2008, therefore, it was my forth time visiting this curry maker, Karikaru.

06年3月與A老大,參觀完在東京國際展示場的Security Show,搭乘海鷗線到新橋,要轉山手線的回新宿之前,在新橋站東口地下街內覓食,發現這家美味的咖哩店(搭配外酥內嫩的肥碩炸牡蠣,更是一絕)。在07年3月帶M老闆、與2007年11月帶R同學去,都說非常好吃。於是在08年9月,A-Mao第四度來到「カレーメーカー・カリカル」」(咖哩製造商:咖哩咖嚕)。

There was no fried oyster on the menu at that time so that A-Mao went for the most popular dish, the Indian curry. As usual, the rice was spread flatly on the plate, and curry was contained in an oil lamp-shape vessel. Various, aromatic taste complemented the rice spicily & excellently, but it is a pity there was too much potato & too little chicken. Now I am thinking: Why didn't I order a tonkatsu as a topping then?




View seen from the Yurikamome train—百合海鷗號外的風景

