
Image of Kobe—神戸映像

When it comes to Kobe, what do you come up with? I asked some of my friends and colleagues, and all of their answer is steak. As for mine, it is about travel and, of course, Kobe beef. Been to there twice, I mainly visited a customer so that there was no time to enjoy this city located between the bay & mountains but was bought a lunch at The Sky Buffet in 2008. Food is not bad, and the view is so magnificent at 24 flours.

當提到神戶,你會想起什麼?問了周遭一些人,回答都是神戶牛排!去過這個港口城市兩次了,都是為了拜訪客戶,所以沒能夠四處晃晃。不過,08年客人在ザ・スカイブッフェ(The Sky Buffet)請吃午餐:食物不壞,自24樓看出去的景色真是無敵壯觀。

The artificial island in Port of Kobe is Port Island, and there is another island behind on which the Kobe Airport built. Suddenly, I also recalled that TOA, a famous CCTV company, is headquartered on the Port Island. Anyway, my image of Kobe is quite good—though no Kobe beef.


Kobe in Autumn—神戸秋景色

2 則留言:

  1. Hello!
    I was in Kobe from Dec 8th to 12th because of exhibition. Is it same reason with your visiting?


  2. こんにちは!

    I was in Kobe for visiting one customer. How was the exhibition going?

