On night in Shinbashi, Miss Y & K would like A-Mao to be their gourmet guide. They were going to go to Honjinbou to eat soba, but the pity is that customers without reservation have to wait, and no answer for how long. They gave up and visited Karikaru in the basement of Shinbashi Station Higashi-guchi. It appeared two girls were enjoying their meals, and A-Mao reviewed fried oyster curry, as tasty as usual! It was the fifth time visiting this small curry bar, each time was with different people or alone, and honcho A, who found it with A-Mao in 2006, has left Ultracker already. In the future, maybe, shall come back again with other ones. Suddenly, a little bit somber……Thinking whether or not lonely Tiffany has run out of her food.
09年那晚,Y小姐與K小姐臨時要A-Mao做覓食的動作。其實,讓他有些不知所措、也讓他想在來自非東京的日本客戶面前,大秀本業務除了會賣H.264 SXGA DVR之外、也大展本愛吃鬼的美食功力。本來要去新橋「本陣房」吃蕎麥麵,無奈沒訂位、無法預估要等多久而作罷。之後轉戰新橋站東口地下街的「カリカル」(音:咖哩咖嚕),兩位小姐似乎吃得很開心、A-Mao也複習了朝思暮想的炸牡蠣咖哩:一樣香辣有味;但,炸牡蠣比記憶中來的小,味道卻濃郁、口感更酥脆。算了算,06年無意與A老大發現、07年分別帶M老闆與R同學賞味、08年一人獨自前來追憶。這次,已是第五度造訪這家咖哩老店。多麼惆悵,與A-Mao一起偶遇カリカル的A老大,早已離開艾創;也許在未來,會與不同的人造訪這家小店;這世間的悲歡離合,又有誰說得準?想起台灣正在孤單看家的妮妮,不知道貓食吃完了沒有?
1 年前