幾年了?好不容易當上了正經的小主。如今,落入鬼道呃……進入軌道業。想起《妙法蓮華經方便品》:「以諸欲因緣,墜墮三惡道,輪迴六趣中,備受諸苦毒。」桃園捷運的IST(Integrated Systems Testing: 系統整合測試)與PRSR(Pre-Revenue Service Running: 營運前運轉測試)似乎是眼下的無盡罣礙......又:體會了沒有效率工資(Efficiency Wage),便可能會有事前的逆向選擇(謎の声:劣幣驅逐良幣)(ex-ante Adverse Selection: If a firm reduces its wage, the better employees may take jobs elsewhere, leaving the firm with inferior staffs who have fewer alternative opportunities.)、與事後的道德風險(謎之音:不損人無法利己)(ex-post Moral Hazard: Firms cannot perfectly monitor their employees’ work effort, and staffs must themselves decide how hard, how right and how smart to work.)......唉!就當是降級運轉,修業障吧~
正經的小主—Sales Manager