Lu Siqing &
Taipei Chinese Orchestra at the Zhongshan Hall delivered one marvelous night of violin concerto. The color of sounds of Sarasate’s Zigeunerweisen & Carmen Fantasy accompanied by TCO is a little bit weird, but Lu is a really magic virtuoso, and this brand-new experience is not bad. “Abendlied eines Fischers” (or Fishers’ Nocturne) almost made A-Mao cry not only because Lu played well but also because it is the encore piece when he was a member of the Youth Band of China Youth Corps participating in
WASBE 1997 conference in Schladming, Austria, and it made the other teams stand up and clap. By the way, looking forward to WASBE 2011 conference in Chiayi, Taiwan.
WASBE年會,博得其他國家團隊起立鼓掌的安可曲,正是漁舟唱晚。又、WASBE 2011在台灣嘉義,還真另人期待啊!

Hong Kong novelist Lilian Lee wrote: This is so-called love. Among 10 million people about, there would be only one couple of Liang Zhu could be transformed into a pair of butterflies. The others would not be turned into butterflies but moths, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, beetles......(XD). Love is not as beautiful as you imagine. Nevertheless, the most beautiful one is Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto. Compared with Western orchestra version, it is far more Chinese to accompany by a Chinese orchestra—is it wordy? Lu was expressing this love legend perfectly & touchingly. And, A-Mao cried because of the romantic but sad duet of “farewell for eighteen miles” played by solo violin, Zhu Yingtai, & Principle Gehu, Liang Shanbo. In the end, the audience went crazy! There were three encores: Saint-Saens’ Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Monti’s Csardas & one unknown solo piece. Bravo, bravo & bravo!
香港小說家李碧華在「恨也需要動用感情」中,有箇長短句寫得好。這便是愛情:大概一千萬人之中,才有一雙梁祝,才可以化蝶。其他的只化為蛾、蚊蚋、蟑螂、蒼蠅、金龜子……,就是化不成蝶XD。並無想像中美麗。回到正題:下半場最美麗動人的,正是「梁祝小提琴協奏曲」。比起西方管弦樂團,由國樂團來伴奏,還特別有味道(謎之聲:啊好像是廢話);呂思清的情緒澎湃豐沛,完美敘述梁祝這段愛情故事;在「十八相送」一段,還讓A-Mao感動到飆淚。曲畢,滿場聽眾簡直是抓狂!因此連演三首安可:Saint-Saens的Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso、Monti的 Csardas(還真芭樂XD)、以及一首不知名的小提琴獨奏,全都好聽到掉渣。【魔弓传奇】
Zhongshan Hall in Taipei—台北公會堂