
Northern Noodles Ji-Yu-Yuan—北方麵食冀豫園

Because of Petekobe's article, A-Mao went to Ji-Yu-Yuan to experience what is noodles from the north part of China. Assorted beef noodle soup (or ngiu chap noodle soup) and pork dumplings (or jiaozi) was ordered. It was not lunchtime then, but their business is really good. Good look! The soup tasted fine, but it was dressed too sweet, and it is a minus that there was basil. Overcooked assorted beef made A-Mao sad, and the noodles was very normal. In fact, nothing about the north……


But the pork dumplings, filled with cabbage & spring onion also, changed his first impression. The stuff was seasoned fresh & juicy, whereas the mouthfeel of dumpling dough is sturdy. Next time, A-Mao will still order dumplings, whatever pork or leek ones. Their spring onion pancake smelled so good, and the other customers’ steamed dumplings & hot and sour soup looked great. Will not go for their noodle soup anymore.



The head store of Ji-Yu-Yuan—冀豫園亀山本店

Oyster Vermicelli Near by Taoyuan Jingfu Temple—桃園大廟口蚵仔麵線


Oyster vermicelli is a popular light repast in Taiwan. Nevertheless, now it is hard to find a one which is traditional and without unnecessary ingredients, such like egg flower, quail's eggs or various cheap balls. This bowl with lots of oyster & pork intestine is served near by Taoyuan Jingfu Temple. Although the vermicelli isn’t handmade, its taste and aroma is rarely wonderful! Don’t forget to add some black vinegar & special hot sauce.



Oyster Vermicelli near by Taoyuan Jingfu Temple—桃園大廟口蚵仔麵線


Matsumotoro in Big Sight—Big Sight松本楼

Security Show at Big Sight in March is the Japan's largest exhibition for security & safety industry. Compared with it last year, the scale this year is small, and stream of people is not growing. Because of Financial Tsunami! Anyway, A-Mao went to Matsumotorou in Hibiya Park before and got a nice experience in 2008. This time he visited its branch in Big Sight and chose beloved omuraisu. Though the omelet was a little bit overdone, with hashed beef sauce—better than the head store, the whole plate was very enjoyable. Maybe to taste Matsumotoro has become his must when tripping in Japan.

每年三月上旬在東京Big Sight的Security Show,是日本安全監控的一大盛事;跟往年比較起來,09年的規模小了很多,人潮似乎也有下滑的趨勢,金融大海嘯的影響,實在不容小覷!話說回來,與孫中山革命滿清頗有淵源的松本樓,在Big Sight也有分店。因為有08年在日比谷公園的本店之美好經驗,這次就近,A-Mao完成再嘗一次的心願,午餐點了オムレツライス・ハヤシソース(譯:蛋包飯佐燉牛肉醬)。蛋卷有些過熟,但燉牛肉醬比本店更出色,搭配番茄醬炒飯,除了有那麼點太鹹之外,非常好吃有味。A-Mao心想:也許品嚐松本楼,已經成為他在日本差旅時的一個傳統。


Matsumotorou in Big Sight—ビッグサイトの松本楼

Kanda Wise Ramen—神田ラーメンわいず

It was lightly snowing in Tokyo this March. Albeit it is strange, A-Mao's main duty was foraging then. Around Kanda Station of Yamanote Line, there are so many different restaurants that hard to pick one up. After walking around for quite a long time, it is impossible for him to reject the half boiled egg on the billboard of Kanda Wise Ramen (神田ラーメンわいず). Seaweed ramen was selected, and one bowl of rice was ordered also because that Japanese ramen is extremely salty and it is so strength-consuming while doing business trip alone. The shouyu-tonkotsu soup with aroma from oceans was really impressive. Tender & juicy chashu was not worse than yummy half boiled egg. The rice was finished, and N cups of water was finished; nevertheless, there remained quite a lot of soup because it is salty Stupidly.


Snowing in Kanda, Tokyo—東京神田下著雪


Matsuya isn't that Matsuya—不是那個松屋的松屋

Kanda Matsuya isn't that Japanese gyuudon chain Matsuya but an old restaurant providing Tokyoites' flavor. Ikenami Shoutarou (池波正太郎), a novelist as well as a gourmet, also liked their foods. With an atmosphere of history, guided by a old & kind waitress, A-Mao sampled cold soba. It smelled mellow, its mouthfeel was exquisite, and the dipping sauce would bring you to the Edo period! After that, please do pour some cooking water out of the red pot into the sauce. Not to waste this delicacy.




Kanda Matsuya—神田まつや


Orthodox GUI—啥叫GUI?

Ultracker, a H.264 stand-alone DVR manufacturer in Taiwan, has designed a unique display chipset that offers 64-layer overlap to supply full color graphical user interface (GUI), unlike text user interface (TUI). Therefore, the monitor can vividly reproduce a variety of graphics; in addition, customers could also have exclusive, customized ones. This photo was taken at Big Sight.

每每看到各家DVR廠商在spec上標榜有GUI(graphical user interface);然而實際操作一看,介面實在是陽春的可憐,太唬爛!有些應該叫TUI(text user interface)才對。艾創的H.264 DVR,能做到64層的全彩疊圖,也能提供客製化GUI的服務。這張是在Big Sight照的。

This picture was taken at Ultracker—這張在艾創照的


The Kakiage of Shoueitei—松栄亭のかきあげ

"I Am a Cat" is one of novels that A-Mao bought but hasn't been finished reading. The author, Natsume Souseki, appeared on the 1,000 yen bill before, and he loved the Kakiage of Shoueitei, which is an old Western-style restaurant in Kanda. The novelist's favorite was ordered then, whereas the locals did not but went for omuraisu and korokke mainly. This dish smells fantastic, but it is so tasteless that soy sauce & mustard is must. Really hard to tell whether it is delicious or not. Even though interesting, the first & last time to savor it.


The Shoueitei in Kanda—神田の松栄亭



Before landing on the Land of the Rising Sun, in the cabin of ANA, one of A-Mao’s compatriots asked: Where is the must visit place in Tokyo? Shinjuku, he said: You can find lots of fun as long as you have cash! Arai Hifumi’s favorite tenpura restaurant is near by Sinjuku Station, too. Although business trip this time was very tight, finally, the Funabashiya was visited. He was planning to go for tenpura course but went for tendon & taranome (or shoot of aralia elata) in order to save money for his company. The octopus sunomono (or Japanese salad) is a free but nice appetizer, whereas the fried taranome is evocative of spring. There are two shrimps, one sand borer & eggplant on the delicious rice; in addition, the excellent, unforgettable sauce seems to be added something like marijuana or opium! No wonder Arai Hifumi likes to celebrate her birthday at this long-established store.




Funabashi-ya in Shinjuku—新宿的船橋屋














One Night in Shinbashi—那晚在新橋

On night in Shinbashi, Miss Y & K would like A-Mao to be their gourmet guide. They were going to go to Honjinbou to eat soba, but the pity is that customers without reservation have to wait, and no answer for how long. They gave up and visited Karikaru in the basement of Shinbashi Station Higashi-guchi. It appeared two girls were enjoying their meals, and A-Mao reviewed fried oyster curry, as tasty as usual! It was the fifth time visiting this small curry bar, each time was with different people or alone, and honcho A, who found it with A-Mao in 2006, has left Ultracker already. In the future, maybe, shall come back again with other ones. Suddenly, a little bit somber……Thinking whether or not lonely Tiffany has run out of her food.

09年那晚,Y小姐與K小姐臨時要A-Mao做覓食的動作。其實,讓他有些不知所措、也讓他想在來自非東京的日本客戶面前,大秀本業務除了會賣H.264 SXGA DVR之外、也大展本愛吃鬼的美食功力。本來要去新橋「本陣房」吃蕎麥麵,無奈沒訂位、無法預估要等多久而作罷。之後轉戰新橋站東口地下街的「カリカル」(音:咖哩咖嚕),兩位小姐似乎吃得很開心、A-Mao也複習了朝思暮想的炸牡蠣咖哩:一樣香辣有味;但,炸牡蠣比記憶中來的小,味道卻濃郁、口感更酥脆。算了算,06年無意與A老大發現、07年分別帶M老闆與R同學賞味、08年一人獨自前來追憶。這次,已是第五度造訪這家咖哩老店。多麼惆悵,與A-Mao一起偶遇カリカル的A老大,早已離開艾創;也許在未來,會與不同的人造訪這家小店;這世間的悲歡離合,又有誰說得準?想起台灣正在孤單看家的妮妮,不知道貓食吃完了沒有?



I also miss you so much—我也好想你


Atago Rokusuke—愛宕六助【閉店】

A-Mao is still uncertain when he will not lose himself in Tokyo, a maze that even locals cannot show ways to where you want to go. One night he was a gourmet guide for Miss Y & K, K said that she would like to sample ramen. Well, although a map was printed, and there is a ramen store we hasn't visited on it, A-Mao was afraid of getting lost, especially for that it was raining and we had no umbrella. Lucky that we went to Atago Rokusuke (愛宕六助) directly from Shinbashi Station. Their concept is tonkotsu, thin straight noodles goes well with the rich, milky broth, and the chashu is as delicate as juicy. During dinner time or on Saturday—off on Sunday, in addition, the first beverage, including beer, is free; besides, up to 2 nigiri (or rice ball) is without charge. If A-Mao had not just finished one plate of curry, he would have asked for 2 nigiri to make a delicious porridge. Very good cooking in its category!



A-Mao's Star in Shinbashi—新橋中的一顆星