A-Mao's first experience of lonely backpack was in Japan in January, 2006, whereas the first unaccompanied business trip was also in Japan. In September, 2008, for a meeting in next morning, I took Narita Express from Narita Airport to Tokyo and then took Tsukuba Express from Akihabara to Tsukuba Center. After checking in at Grand Shinonome Hotel, I was so starving. The Takarajima (or treasure island) near by might be the most optimal selection in this tranquil city.
A-Mao此生首次單獨國外旅行,2006年2月,選擇了日本;而首次單獨海外差旅,2008年9月,也是獻給了日本。到了成田機場,換了JR Pass、輾轉到つくばセンター(經過兩次實驗,先從機場到秋葉原、再 搭つくばエクスプレス到つくばセンター,是扛一堆行李的旅人的最佳路徑)。在ホテルグランド東雲check-in後,我早就餓得一蹋糊塗;就在左近的宝島焼肉,可能是當下在這個寧靜的城鎮,來自寶島的A-Mao,滿足口腹之欲的最佳選擇。 
"Dolsot bibimbap teishoku" was picked because it includes rice & beef. It also came with salad, kimchi & seaweed soup. I was so hungry that the roast beef with sweet sauce tasted so good. On the other hand, I was in an ecstasy and looking forward to dolsot bibimbap.
About 10 minutes later, the hot dolsot bibimbap was served. Having no time to take photos, I poured kimchi into it and mixed this dish. Sounds from the stone bowl sounded very delicious. As soon as it was a little bit cooler, itadakimasu! Well, it is modified to fit Japanese tongue so that it is not as spicy as those I ate in South Korea & Taiwan. But yummy as well.約十分鐘等待,宇宙炙熱的石鍋拌飯來了;為避免吃到燒焦的米飯,還沒來得及拍照,索性把泡菜和涼拌豆芽丟進去一起攪拌。食材在石鍋中熱得嘰嘰亂叫;也引得我的胃咕嚕狂響。待稍稍涼了一點,迫不及待地開動。嗯……跟預期中有很大的反差:味道根本沒有韓國的香辣、完全針對日本人的口味作了修正嘛;不過……唉呦……也是很好吃啦。
Moreover, there are various hot & cool beverages. Regarding tea bag, 10 kinds of options. I chose osmanthus fragrans tea made in China; meanwhile, I was hoping quality control of this restaurant is Japanese standard. In all, now branches of Takarajima are almost located in Ibaraki & Chiba, and it is a cost-efficient place for yakiniku.還有還有,許多冷熱飲料都任君選擇;光說茶包,就有十種選項。挑了有我最心愛的桂花風味的中國茶(心中OS:這家餐廳的品質管理也一定是日本標準…),來消除油膩、也許又如包裝上所寫的,能療養心靈。言而總之:宝島目前的分店還大多座落在茨城與千葉,是價格平實、水準以上的燒肉餐廳。【筑波的宝岛烧肉】

Grand Shinonome Hotel—ホテルグランド東雲