Chuan Wang (饌王) is the winner of the first Taipei Beef Noodle Festival. 減油味醇 (low oil, rich flavor) is their slogan, but it is strange to A-Mao that the subtitle 精品 (literally boutique or gourmet) is trumpeted. This one is beef noodle soup with half meat & half tendon. The taste of soup is delicious because of good materials, and the toppings is extremely tender. Then, don't forget to add some pickled cabbage, chopped spring onion or chili oil. A nice bowl, and it seems to be suit for Japanese, but I started missing traditional Taiwanese ones after all.【馔王精品牛肉面】
2 年前
That looks like a lovely soup!
回覆刪除I didn't make it to Yung Kee - I was sick and couldn't face another meal! Good reason to go back to Hong Kong.
Yeah, it is the first champion of Taipei Beef Noodle Festival. Shall visit the others.
回覆刪除能吃就是福 (literally: to eat is to be lucky). A-Mao is missing Hong Kong as well.