Because of drum music of “Night Fight” from movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, A-Mao started being interested in
Tan Dun’s work. Tonight’s overture is “Forbidden City” from the opera Marco Polo. As a composer, Mr. Tan seamlessly conducted the orchestra to his ideas of contemplation, and this piece were explaining what his philosophy of music is, western one plus eastern one is not two but one. The following is “Paper Concerto” for Paper Percussion and Orchestra. It is fantastic that paper sheet, paper screen, paper box, paper pipe, paper bag & paper umbrella as well as Chinese folding paper fan could be played as instruments. In addition, members of the orchestra can speedily change the pages of their scores to make humorous sounds. The main soloist, Haruka Fujii, performed perfectly, and
TSO was accompanied her well. Then, the audience cheerfully clapped this concerto, which is better, according to my personal opinion, than wonderful “Water Concerto”.
NSO與黃皚雲合作的「水樂」,波光瀲灩的絕妙聲光效果至今仍印像深刻(那年的曲名為水之協奏曲)。今晚的序曲是「紫禁城」:選自歌劇「馬可波羅」。萬萬沒想到作曲家作為一個指揮,感染力會那麼強烈,曲子也真的是闡釋他東方西方1 + 1 = 1的音樂哲學。接著是「紙樂」:交響協奏曲;打擊樂主奏:藤井はるか。紙張、紙幕、紙板、紙箱、紙管、紙袋、紙傘、紙扇都能成為打擊樂器。壹、古老的紙祭:詭異的氛圍讓A-Mao想起湘西趕屍的傳說。貳、詼諧曲:連樂譜都能成為樂團伴奏的樂器。參、暴風雨:不安的情緒是伏筆。肆、節日:在主奏的帶領下,大家歡唱鄉村農歌。總而言之,整首曲子的佈局很緊湊,
The Map, Concerto for Cello, Video and Orchestra, reminded A-Mao of lyric of Qu Yuan’s “Nine Songs” as well as experience listening to and watching
Ensemble Modern played
Steve Reich’s “Different Trains”. This multimedia masterpiece contains 9 movements in 4 sections, featuring a different aspect of the traditional music of Tujia, Miao & Dong people in Hunan. The most touching movement to me is the 7th, Stone Drums, in which two stones are played with different angles to make various tones, followed by a percussion quartet of previous, the same video footage. The cello soloist, Richard Bamping, from England plays on a Guarneri and interprets Chinese music element without fail. Great performance! But it is sad that we had no encore played by the Guarneri.
The Map—地圖