In 2005, A-Mao's superior, Annie, taught way to be a salesman and, during ISC West, how to play craps. Recently, I am not fearful anymore of playing blackjack in front of dealers. Both win & loss is part of travel abroad! If I won, the dealer was tipped some and a few small-value chips were kept as souvenir. The
Blue Man's venue in Las Vegas is at the
Venetian. After purchasing a ticket, I spent time by a craps table. Now these three chips are my victory badges. Especially for the $1 Blue Man chip, it suggests memory of their nice show.
在國外的賭場裡,A-Mao有時會小賭幾把,無論輸贏,都成為旅行的一部份。一切起因,是從05年師傅Annie除了教我如何當業務之外,還於ISC West期間帶我玩花旗骰(Craps)開始。現在,也敢坐上牌桌、臉不紅氣不喘地面對荷官玩二十一點(Blackjack)。輸到了停損點,拍拍屁股走人;贏達了停益點,除了給些小費外、就是留下些小面額的籌碼做紀念。
Blue Man在拉斯維加斯的秀場在
威尼斯人酒店;在買票等待入場的時候,又小試一下身手。這三個籌碼,就是賭博勝利的徽章;特別是這一塊美鋃的Blue Man籌碼,勾起看秀的美好回憶。【蓝人筹码】
Yo! Blackjack! Quick! Tip me canned food!
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