Several years before, I was very surprised to marvelous flavor of Jasmine Rice when travelling in Thailand. Because of a special (and free) offer from the Council of Agriculture Taiwan & GozCafe, I got this chance to experience a brand-new breed, Taichung No. 194. It is a beautiful hybrid from Taikeng No. 9, which is one of popular rice in Taiwan, and famous Basmati Rice. The taste is as rich as the fragrance is elegant. Amazing, Taiwanese agriculture!
因為網友Adonis的博文,A-Mao參與了行政院農業委員會農糧署稻米產銷專區,暨果子咖啡辦理的「吃米樂・貼心讚聲」良質米試吃活動。幾年前到泰國玩,深深著迷於茉莉香米(Jasmine Rice)的香味;這次免鋃的活動,在許多的米中,衝著那個「香」字,選擇了來自南投縣草屯鎮的合歡香米。收到一公斤裝的真空包後,看了看背面的介紹。除了詳細解說如何煮出好吃的米飯、標示品質規格為CNS二等、及標明了品種為台中194號。Google一下,台中194號可是印度香米(Basmati Rice)、與台稉9號雜交育種的漂亮混血兒喔~煮成白飯,飯粒豐盈飽滿,黏性與口味唱作俱佳;重要的是:真的有類似玉米的香味吔~台灣的農業真是讚啦~
2 年前
回覆刪除因為有伏筆啊 ^^
回覆刪除對啊 ~ 哈哈哈 :)