Regarding marinated raw crab I encountered in Busan, there are two versions: soy sauce one with lemon & pepper and spicy one which is wrapped in so much red sauce that I almost couldn’t see its shape. I wasn’t hungry then, and its price isn’t cheap, but it will be tried when I go there next time duo to reviews from the other bloggers & its egg yolk inside.

For experience & energy, I tasted Balut (half-hatched duck egg) in Vietnam, and it really worked but made me feel disgusted. However, I’m a fan for roast suckling pig expressing soft texture & crispy skin. During walking around in Jinhae in which lots of cherry blossom trees crazily flowering in April, I encountered this baby pig being turned. After inquiring its price, I sadly left because I was on a tight budget.

Buy the way, by the way—哇哩還Buy the way咧