I've gone through America, Japan, South Korea, Macau, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia since being a sales staff in a DVR manufacturer for 3 years. My guess it's time to make a debut of a blog sharing experiences regarding food, travel and music. Delicacies should be a good point from which to start because my mother is so good at cooking and boiled my stomach already.

This is my first Korean meal, Seol Leong Tang, when I was being a lonely backpacker there for 9 days in 2007. The milky soup must be stewed with ox bone for quit a long time. In the beginning, A-Mao really had no idea how to enjoy this combo. But a few minutes later a kindly waitress noticed I was a new comer and used a specialized pair of scissors & a pincers to sheer the red-hot kimchi, including a chunk of daikon & many leaflets of cabbage—A-Mao really has to say: the kimchi is extremely hot but juicy. Without receiving my green light, she suddenly poured the rice and chopped spring onion into the soup. And then, anyway, the mix is so flavorful.

This meal appeared in Gyeongju. A-Mao requested “Seol Leong Tang” at a cozy restaurant, but the boss brought me this “Something Leong Tang” with six side dishes. Well, the only two Korean I can speak is Hello (An Nyeong Ha Se Yo) & Thanks (Gam Sa Ha Mi Da), and poor I therefore tried it without a second thought. Lots of unknown vegetables and the soup tastes a little bit bitter but luscious. Without these side dishes, I couldn’t finish this Exotic Nutrition.
在韓國首爾,英文就不太通嘍、更別提慶州這個鄉下地方。餓了,在只有市井小民來往的巷弄間,找了個看似便宜卻熱鬧的店家,進門現學現賣地用韓語點了雪濃湯「Seol Leong Tang」,結果,端上來的竟是伴著六碟小菜、和許多不知名的蔬菜熬煮的菜湯;這裡的阿珠媽上菜時喃喃自語,聽起來好像說這是「Cao Leong Tang?草濃湯?」哇咧三四天沒好好說上幾句中文跟英文了,快變啞巴的A-Mao還有力氣靠妖嗎?於是只好埋頭默默地吃著,一口菜湯伴飯配小菜是真的不錯吃啦(纖維素宇宙多);但是,A-Mao還是偏愛與思念雪濃湯那如豚骨拉麵般馥郁湯頭。