I like
Arai Hifumi’s prose. Her style is kind of wise, casual & mo lei tau. Before returning to Taiwan, as usual, I would purchase some ingredients bringing Japanese flavors home. At a supermarket under Shinjuku Station, A-Mao encountered
Ikkyudo Yakumi Kyo-Shichimi which is catering for Arai Hifumi. Therefore, there was no reason not to open my wallet. This shichimi contains chili pepper, sichuan pepper, green laver, mandarin orange peel, black sesame seed, hemp seed & poppy seed. It smells delicately stimulating and, with cool beer only, tastes not so hot but fantastic. Because of hemp & poppy seeds especially, this relish is sort of illusionary.

Tokyo Kitty—東京小貓
啊~~ 注意力統統被小貓咪搶走了...
對啊, 而且乖乖坐著讓人照相喔 ~