Now 传统 (literally tradition) or 古早味 (literally taste of the old days) is one of keynotes of Taiwanese food industry, but it doesn’t mean definite delicacy. One afternoon in Wanhua (or Bangka), Taipei City's oldest district, A-Mao encountered A-Xiu Traditional Qie-A Noodles, which seems to be introduced by gourmet TV shows before. Seeing that there were many eaters, A-Mao ordered Qie-A Noodles & pork heart. Its biggest selling point is that noodles is traditionally 切 (literally to cut) into a pudding shape; but, the whole bowl is normally delicious. As for the pink pork heart, however, A-Mao really loves it. Really fresh, tender & juicy!

A-Xiu (Hide) Traditional Qie-A Noodles—阿秀(ヒデ)伝統切仔麺
What are the differences between
回覆刪除切仔麵 and 陽春麵?
The following are keywords:
回覆刪除切仔麵: 油麵, 油蔥, 本省
陽春麵: 白麵, 肉燥, 外省
But now the differences are obscure.
And A-Mao has no color glasses......
Thanks! That's a very useful piece of information for my articles at the Japanese blog.
回覆刪除Am I correct in understanding that both 陽春麵 and 切仔麵 are names of dishes?
Is it possible to have 切仔麵 with 白麵 and vice versa? Doesn't it mean that 切仔麵 with 白麵 is in fact 陽春麵?
Correct that 陽春麵 & 切仔麵 are both names of dishes; besides, in many roadside stands & stores, it, of course, is possible to shift noodles, including 米粉 & 冬粉. Anyway, 切仔麵 with 白麵 and 陽春麵 with 油麵 aren't original theme (主題), but customized variations (變奏).
回覆刪除It looks good, but I have found heart really rubbery and unpleasant the couple of times I have tried it!
回覆刪除This pork heart is truely well-done. In fact, it made by A-Mao is like "gray" rubbery as well, not "pink" tender & juicy one.
回覆刪除That's one of the things I love about Taiwan!
回覆刪除In Japan, there are people who get angry if you try to change the default setting...
In my opinion, 歡喜就好~!